Maya Owen
The Bechdel test is a test which rates films based on three simple criteria. Its not a test of whether the film is a feminist one, or whether it is a good film, but simply if there is female presence in it.
Criteria: A film must have...
1. At least two (named) female characters in it,
2. Who talk to each other,
3. About something other than a man.
A film passes the test if all three are achieved which, looking at them, surely can't be hard?
You'd be surprised at how many films fail.
The films below are a small sample of those which failed the test.
- The Amazing Spider-Man 2
- The Grand Budapest Hotel
- How to Train Your Dragon 2
- The Boxtrolls
Both 'How to Train your Dragon 2' and 'The Boxtrolls' are children's animated films that portray women in a certain way.
And if young girls are presented with female characters who only talk to each other about men or who only ever interact with men then they will instantly connect this with reality.
If they are not shown that women can be as strong and as independent and as heroic as the other male protagonists that so many films show, then what is to become of their desire to do this themselves; to count themselves as equal to men?
Equally, if young boys are constantly shown these images of strong male heroes always saving the 'damsel in distress' then they will begin to judge and measure themselves against these images and expect certain behaviour or attitude from women.
You could say the entire film industry is built upon creating films that cater to and are about men, but this is changing.
Films like 'The Hunger Games' and 'Divergent' show strong female protagonists and have become so popular.
Evidently, the film industry needs to change its tune.
Women make up half of the world. Shouldn't their bravery and strength make up half the films as well?
Below is a link to the Bechdel test web page where you can see all the films that have been tested and whether they failed or passed.